Monday, April 12, 2010

Guide Training Begins on Lehigh Aprill 10-11

Dear Readers,

Your's truly has officially kicked off the 2010 with weekend of training at Jim Thorpe River Adventures.  Saturday was spent learning the ins-and-outs of their guest service at the rafting center.  On Sunday we went out as a group in eight bright orange brand-new rafts. 

My training crew included Jerry, the boss, a seventeen-year old kid (Garrett), two sixty-year old guys (Gary and Bob), and a ski patroller from Blue Mtn a bit older than me (Mitch).  We all took turns "working the stick" at the back of the raft next to Jerry.  Fortunately, Jerry is a really mellow guy and is one of those great guys working at the highest level of professional sports recreation (Jerry is an American Canoe Association examiner) who really engages beginners.

I felt pretty confident as I had piloted rafts and kayaks down the Lehigh Gorge several times in the past year.  Now, however, I had a coach directing various draw or pry strokes, and asking for me to make specific moves with the raft.  I got put under the gun at Boxcar Rapid when Jerry had me ferry back and forth across the current several times.

About 10 minutes from the take out, with the entire group pulled into 'iron ring' eddy, the chief guide, Brad, announced that all first- and second- year guides were going for a swim.  I can assure you that the sunny skies that prevailed at midday had given way to that Pocono gray and the last thing I wanted to do was voluntarily jump out of the raft in lower Snaggletooth Rapid. 

But I did it and was quickly separated from the raft.  I was in the water a good minute and went over two or three small drops, taking a good knock on my right knee.  Not as bad as the swims I had in Ohiopyle or even last year at Pipeline on the Lehigh. 

That's me, second-back on the right, on the bus trip to the put-in.

I have to log two more raft trips plus two more days on the river in order to eligible for paid guide work.  I'll update you next week.  LK

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